Nauvoo Temple

Nauvoo Temple
Nauvoo Temple

Monday, August 11, 2014


Thoughts of the week:

"A real friend is someone who doesn't like getting wet in the rain but will accompany you when you're going through a storm."

"Remember that when you hit the bottom, you're left with no other way but up."

"My life is constantly under construction.  There's always something to improve."

"Who must you please?  People with unreasonable expectations, or God who sees your real intentions."

Another busy but wonderful week in Nauvoo.  Every Sunday when I write this email I can't believe it's Sunday again so soon.  Rudi and I are so busy at the temple and a lot of activities outside the temple.  We just returned from Canton and so our Sunday is pretty much gone.  Seven hours of sitting is a little hard but well worth it to spend time with the Canton Branch.  Rudi taught his lesson today on Service and did a great job.  Every week he gets better and more at ease.  I taught my 4th Sunday R.S. lesson on Pres. Packer's talk from April Conference on The Witness.  Very powerful, so I decided to have the sisters hear him give it on my Ipad.  Its hard to believe he could be our next prophet.  He is getting so frail, I hope he isn't in too much pain. The sisters responded really well with a lot of discussion and comments.  I rewarded them with homemade divinity to let them know that they all have a divine destination.  Pretty cheesy but it's the best I could do!  We sure love the associations we are developing with the members there.  The branch presidents son is getting married and his open house is Friday night so we plan to go to it.  Two times to Canton this week.  A lot of miles, but we love the president and want to support his family.

Last Sunday night at a special meeting for all the temple missionaries Pres. McArthur called on me out of the audience to tell about our experiences in Canton.  He really caught me off guard, but Rudi said I did great.  Surprise, surprise!  the meeting was great other than me speaking.  They had some of the cast from the pageant do a vignette about the missionaries going out into the world.  It was so good as usual!  After of course we had a social hour with FOOD.  Working on that 30 pound mission.

Monday we got together with three other small FHE groups for a bar-b-que.  Had a great time!  I took two homemade peach pies and what a hit.  They were gone so quick, you'd think they'd never tasted peach pie.  Rudi didn't even get a piece so I had to make them again on Thursday. 

Wednesday night the choir sang at the Durrant lecture.  We sang, Praise to the Man, and it really sounded good from where I was standing.  Some fun people in the choir, so I keep going even if my voice is sounding old and no breath control.  Oh well, everyone sounds the same so I don't worry too much.  We just have fun singing and being together.

No Farmers Market this week, but we still went to Burlington to see a movie and eat dinner with our neighbors the Lindholms.  Of course we had to stop at Grandpas Ice Cream on the way home.  Yummmy!

Well enough about all the activities and food eating experiences.  The Temple has been out of control busy this week.  To give you an idea of how many people are doing endowment sessions, I work in the clothing rental area on Friday morning.  We did over nine hundred dollars in rentals that morning alone.  Our shift coordinators said that over 2,000 ordinances were performed just on the morning shift alone.  That's a lot of work being done for the dead in such a small temple.  From the baptistry to the endowments, to initiatory and the sealing sessions,we were going crazy trying to get everyone where they wanted to go.  I love being busy but this is past wonderful its just plain out of this world!  We've been waiting and praying that the patrons will come and fill the temple with this special spirit of wanting to perform temple work for the dead.  Well, it's happened and it's GREAT!  We are all tired but grateful for the patrons.  We finally got to see the new film on Saturday.  I officiated and Rudi got time to be a patron on the same session.  It's so different, I'm sure it will grow on me like the other films have.  We both prefer the B film or the second film the most.  I think the new one is very futuristic in some ways.  If you haven't seen it yet you need to go to the temple and do an endowment session.  Hint, hint all my kids.  Hope you're all working on the endowments I sent home with you.  Our ancestors are waiting and getting very anxious to have their work done.  No pressure but hurry up!  When we get home I want to babysit any of my grandkids so their parents can have at least once a month temple night.  You can hold me to it!

Tonight we have a special program called, The Story Goes On, presented by the cast of the pageant.  Its outside at the stage where the pageant is performed, hope it doesn't rain.  We've had a lot a rain lately and very cool temperatures.  Love it!  On July 24th it was 75 degrees and a cool breeze at the potluck dinner.  Too bad Utah is burning up.  Move to Nauvoo to cool down.  Hope this weather lasts thru August.

We continue to love our mission but miss our family and friends so much. When do you stop missing your family all you return missionaries?  What's wrong with me?  You'd think I was a grandma or something!  Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.  Keep those emails coming!

Have a great week, especially all the Diederich's who will be in Bear Lake this week for Raspberry Days!  We"ll miss seeing you all but will return next year. 

Love to all,

Rudi and Kathy (The Nauvoo Missionaries)


 All 120 Temple Missionaries in front of the temple.  We are on the left side second row back. 

 Another shot of the most wonderful group of missionaries in the church.  We love them all!  We are in the middle three or four rows back.

 Great to see Ken and Becky and their boys Jon and Luke Diederich in Nauvoo.  What fun cute people they are!

 At our cottage after they got soaked at the pageant.  No Ken isn't just sweating a lot!

 So many Jex's in Nauvoo for a few days. We so enjoyed their visit and seeing so many of their family.  Hope they enjoyed the pageant!  Kristin you have a wonderful family!

Rudi enjoying our 24th of July potluck dinner with the missionaries.  We celebrate anything and everything.  We love being together. 

 Kathy with the Henderson's.  Pres. and Sis. Mc Arthur sitting behind us. 

We even had the bagpipers from Utah at our potluck to entertain us.  The city is full of music and excitement all the time. Love it!!!

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