Nauvoo Temple

Nauvoo Temple
Nauvoo Temple

Monday, July 21, 2014


Thought for the week:

"Don't forget that you're human.  It's okay to have a melt down.  Just don't unpack and live there.  Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed."

"We don't learn from talking; we learn from listening."

"A word of encouragement during a failure is more potent than a word of praise after an achievement."

"Difficulties are just life's delaying tactics.  They just delay accomplishments, but they don't make them impossible."

Hello from beautiful Nauvoo!  I was so worried that the summer months would be unbearably hot and humid, but so far this summer is so delightful.  We've only had two days of humidity and in the 90's.  It's so green here thanks to the weekly rain storms.  Last week we went to both pageants again because we love them and its so nice and cool in the evening.  Maybe next week I'll be complaining about how hot and humid it is but so far no complaints, I love it here!  Now if I could just transplant my family here it would be heaven.

Last week we spent all day Monday washing, and cleaning the cottage.  It really doesn't take that long because it's so small, but I had a few extra loads of wash from the week before.  No problem, I'd love to do extra wash if it meant we had more visitors.  Monday night we went to dinner at Chandlers in Fort Madison with our P-day group.  Nice way to end the day and get ready for a full week in the temple.

As I've stated before, the temple is so busy with all the tourist for the pageant.  The baptistry is constantly full of lots of youth groups and kids wanting to do baptisms in the Nauvoo Temple.  It's so wonderful to see so many youth wanting to serve The Lord.  The endowment sessions are full and sometimes chairs have to be brought into the rooms to accommodate the extra load.  All areas are so busy especially in the morning hours.  You can imagine the number of clothes that are rented for the sessions and sealing sessions.  My job as clothing coordinator is like going crazy with so many rentals.  I love seeing so many people lined up for clothing, that means so many souls are getting their work done.  Heaven must have a lot of happy spirits who have waited so long to finally have their temple ordinances performed.  What a wonderful place to spend my days at.

Yesterday I was asked to guide a young 25 year old sister who was taking out her own endowments.  She wasn't going on a mission or getting married, she just got baptized two years ago and felt like it was time to go to the temple.  It was such a joy to see how mature she was and ready for such a big step. She is the only one in her family who is a member so a couple from her ward acted as her escort.  The young missionary who had baptized her came with his mother from Utah for her baptism.  It was so special to guide her through the whole process.  It was especially wonderful in initiatory, since I was her guide I got to help with certain parts.  I really had a hard time in the first booth when she looked up at me with those big brown eyes and was listening to the words so intently and tears started running down both our cheeks.  The promises are so special and mean so much.  What a choice experience to be a part of.  Hopefully I'll be able to be a part of my granddaughters first time in the temple, it would mean the world to me.  The temple means so much more to me now that I get to be a part of helping others start their eternal progression back to our heavenly home.

We are so hooked on the veggies and fruits at the farmers market in Burlington that we make a weekly trek.  I love summer and the delicious food that comes with it.  Tomorrow I'm making fresh peach pies again for our family home evening get together.

Tonight we have a special meeting with all the missionaries for some kind of a report to the president.  The choir is singing and thats about all we know.  We also have a fun potluck dinner planned for Thursday night to celebrated Pioneer Days.  The fun and parties just keep coming.  Love it all!

I guess Tami and Dan are really moving since Dan left Friday for Gillett Wyoming to start his new job.  I hate to think about it, but know everything will be o.k. and hopefully for the best.  Tami and the kids will follow shortly after he gets settled and finds a place for them to live.  Things won't be the same when we get home.  We leave for 18 months and things just get complicated for us.  I love having all my family close.  I guess we'll be making trips to Wyoming now.  Good luck Tami and Dan, you will be missed but not forgotten.

I have to close now and get to the meeting early to practice with the choir.  Canton was awesome as usual today.  We are growing to love the people and small group of such faithful saints.  I teach R.S. next week so I have some work to do this week in preparation.

We love and appreciate you all.  Hope your summer is full of lots of time spent with your families and friends.

Until next week stay sweet and kind to everyone!

Rudi and Kathy

 Old picture of Abe Lincoln and Joseph Smith, back in the 1840's.

 Modern day Abe and Joseph in Nauvoo just last week.  Lincoln gave the opening prayer at the Nauvoo Pageant. Actors portraying each famous man.  Remarkable their resemblance.

 A turtle in our front yard just hours after all the grandkids left to go home.  Rudi made me pick it up for a picture. Yuck!

 Rudi found out what strong claws they have and how fast they can move.  The grandkids would have loved holding him!

 Sunset on the beautiful Mississippi River.

 Never enough pictures of the stunning Nauvoo Temple!

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