Nauvoo Temple

Nauvoo Temple
Nauvoo Temple

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'M MARRIED TO AN OLD MAN...RUDI TURNS 70! (January 18, 2015)

Thought for the week:

An update to last weeks flooding diaster.  It was an email to the temple missionaries.

Elder Diederich's quest to know what caused the pipes to break was ignored last year, but now there is a small investigation hole in the ceiling of sealing room 6.  And they found??? All the blown in insulation had been "Blown away" from the the wind?  A high standard repair is in progress.  Too bad it didn't happen last year when Elder Diederich said let's cut a hole in the ceiling and figure our this problem..."

What a spiritual feast we've enjoyed today in Canton.  To our surprise the Peoria Stake President was in sacrament meeting.  Also on the stand sat the Chicago West Mission President and his wife.  Wow!  It felt like stake or regional conference.  Thankfully the chapel was full.  Pres. Fenn the mission president spoke along with his wife, who is a sister of Joseph McConkie.  Spiritual giants and great talks on the importance of missionary work and attending the temple.

If that wasn't enough Pres. Fenn and his wife attended our temple prep class.  Talk about feeling inadequate!  Our branch president also attended by our invitation to explain the temple recommend.  We also had another new couple attend the class.  We are now up to six couples preparing to go to the temple.  We are totally overwhelmed and elated to be a part of the true missionary spirit.  Our branch president did an outstanding job and Rudi and I filled in with comments.  Pres. Fenn also added such a spirit to our lesson and made some wonderful comments.  Our small classroom was packed, but the spirit was out of control.  Our class members asked such timely questions.  One man was so bold to say, but I'm not sure I want to be sealed to this wife.  Then he explained that this wife is his second wife.  Nothing like being blown away! We really don't know the complete background on all these people, but their hearts and questions are sincere.  It sure makes you appreciate  how lucky we are to have been born in the covenant.  Love this experience and look forward to seeing these beautiful people find their way to the temple.

Tonight we have our monthly president meeting with all the temple missionaries.  Pres. McArthur has asked Rudi and I to talk about our weekly email to our family and friends.  He wants all of the missionaries to write down their experiences and share it with their families.  I guess we're the genie pigs.  I'm proud to share some of my thoughts and experiences with my missionary family.  Hopefully it will go over as planned.

Now that I have two hands back I feel a lot better.  It's so nice to be able to shower, put make-up on, comb my hair properly, not have to wear the handicap temple dress to get over my cast, and best of all type again.  Oh how I appreciate having both hands.  But, I'm always being tested!  The very next day right before we left to go to the temple one of my crowns broke off.  Luckily I have a root cannel on that tooth, so there was no pain.  After $100.00 of ex rays and consultation they decided I needed an implant.  No way!  They are costly and timely.  So I've decided to wait until I get home. The dentist said it would be O.K. since we go home in two months.

Last Monday night we went to FHE with all the temple missionaries.  We played a game involving the November Ensign.  It was like a scripture search but with the October General Conference talks.  It was fun but kind of hard.  Try to remember what all the general authorities said and what session.  I know check the front of the Ensign.  We did, but the questions were very detailed.  Of course, we had treats and fun together.

Pres. Hansen, our new 2nd counselor in the temple presidency from Cedar Rapids, has encouraged a lot of people from the Cedar Rapids area to become temple ordinance workers.  In the past three months about 96 people have become temple workers.  The temple missionaries are really feeling in the minority.  What a great feeling.  Maybe someday the Nauvoo Temple will be able to supply enough ordinance workers from its temple district to run the temple.  That would be awesome, even though we've been so fortunate to enjoy this Nauvoo experience.

We finally found a car carrier for the top of our car in Burlington.  Yes, we're bringing home more than we brought, much to Rudi's displeasure.

This week has been busier at the temple.  Four times out of my seven shifts I was on a endowment session either as a patron or a ordinance worker.  What a wonderful week!  Rudi and I officiated one session and went as patrons on another.  I know you temple workers in Utah probably never get to be patrons while you're working but here in Nauvoo we get that opportunity a lot.

So grateful for our week of rewarding experiences and growth.  We pray for our family and friends a lot.  The prayer roll has become a constant help to me.  I feel like its the best way I can help my family and friends when I'm so far from home.

Have a wonderful week.  Be healthy and happy and enjoy all the birthday celebrations.

With love always,

Rudi and Kathy ( old but still kickin')

This good looking gray haired man will be 70 on January 22, on our 47th Wedding Anniversary.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY!

 Still together after almost 50 years.  What an accomplishment!  Still having fun and looking forward to many more years together.

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TROY our fabulous son.  It's hard to find a picture of him alone.  He definitely is a family man.  What a joy he's been in our lives.  A great son, husband, father, brother and uncle.  We love you tons!

 HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN BIRTHDAY to the sweetest girl around.  Ellie turns 16 on January 24th.  What a delightful, talented, smart and spiritual young lady she is.  We adore her and her warm loving personality.

 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ETHAN on January 25th. He'll be 14 years old.  What a good looking young man.  Ethan you amaze us with your creativity and zest for life.  Such a gift to our family.  We love you.

 Thought you might enjoy our gas prices in Illinois.  That's right 1.75!  Too good to be true.  Hope the gas prices are that low when we decide to return home.

 Check out this nativity scene by a church on our way to Canton.  Rudi loved it so much he made me get in the picture along with the animals.

 Rudi and I at church today in Canton.  We look color coordinated!  That doesn't happen very often!


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