"Sometimes you are delayed where you are because God knows there's a storm where you're headed. Be Grateful."
"My daughter suggested I get the names of my children tattooed on my body. I told her I already did...they're called stretch marks."
"Oh my goodness. I'm rich! Silver in my hair, Gold in my teeth, Crystal in the kidneys, Sugar in the blood, Lead in the rear end, Iron in the arteries, and an inexhaustible supply of Natural Gas. I never thought I'd accumulate such wealth!"
I apologize if my thoughts are a little gross for a missionary, but I need humor in my life. I love to laugh and I hope you do also!
We spent time this week going around and enjoying the beautiful flowers in the Nauvoo area. Hope you enjoy the pictures. I love all the color and happiness they bring into my life. I've learned to stop and not just smell the roses but truly enjoy them. My mom always loved flowers and I think I'm more like her than I thought.
I'm sending my email a day early for a reason. I felt like I needed another souvenir from Nauvoo. I tried to keep up with Pres. McArthur this morning after our 6:00 a.m. prayer meeting going down the circular staircase in the temple and caught my dress on the toe of my shoe and fell four stairs down on my leg. Result bleeding leg and swollen and bruised. The first person they call is the engineers, and guess who showed up to assist me? You're right, Bro. Diederich. I don't think I broke anything but we see the doctor this afternoon after I've iced it and the swelling goes down. They wanted to take me out in the wheelchair but I insisted I could walk, and I did. End result, I'm home with my leg propped up and ice on, ice off. So much fun! I'm such a clumsy person sometimes. I was following the president because I lost my recommend yesterday after my shift at the temple and I was following him down the stairs to his office to get interviewed for a new one since our recommends expire next month. O.K. lets hope bad luck doesn't come in three's. I need a break, not in my leg!
This week has been somewhat very normal. We keep waiting for the large crowds to start arriving. A lot of schools are out and that usual means people start traveling. Maybe next week.
I'm really enjoying swimming and getting more exercise. I'm meeting people at the pool and taking to them about Nauvoo and why I'm here. Maybe I'll plant a little seed of interest in the church for a few tourists.
We just heard that the Durrants received their mission call to St. George and report the first part of October. They will be serving in the same mission as John and Darolyne Childs. She said they will be giving special lectures during the week and giving tours of the church history sites. She has a home in St. George so it works out for them nicely. Lucky St. George, you'll be in for a special treat.
We hope to keep in touch with them when we are down there at the condo.
We've enjoyed her Tuesday and Thursday lectures on the past Latter day Saints presidents. Last Thursday was on Pres. McKay. He was my president growing up and holds a special spot in my heart. I remember asking my mom when I was young if he was the president of the United States or president of the church. I also remember at one General Conference getting to sit on his lap for just a moment when we attended. I think we were sitting in some of the choir seats because there wasn't a full choir for some reason and my mom said I just walked down the steps and stood in front of him and he picked me up and put me on his lap. Can't remember all the details but I do remember his white, white full head of hair. Wonderful man, and so sweet to his Emma Rae, his wife. She was so short and he was so tall! Susan Durrant really brings the presidents to life, and relates such interesting details about their lives. They go home in August and will be dearly missed. They're brought such a spirit to our mission.
The days are getting longer and longer and the heat is coming on. So far the humidity hasn't bother me. It's fun to have the sun up when we go to the tempe early in the morning, and still have some sunlight when we get through in the evening. This week we are going to try and see some of the shows around the Nauvoo sites. The pageant doesn't start until July but there are other special performances each night to see. All the young performers are here and are so much fun. They bring a new life to Nauvoo. They have so much energy and spirit! The young sister missionaries come to the temple a lot. I'm beginning to recognize them. They put on a special sociable last Sunday night that was fantastic. So much talent! They sang and bore testimonies of the gospel and how they had been touched by the spirit. I'm so impressed with these sisters and know the church is moving forward much faster with their help. The church was so inspired to have sisters serve at a younger age, more young women are going. Granddaughters, listen to Grandma, you're needed desperately in furthering the gospel, keep an open mind.
I'm starting to feel a little sore so I'm going to close for this week. I need to move around and try and work out the stiffness that comes when you fall. We have a lot of special plans coming up with friends and family coming in the near future so I can't let this little mishap stop me. I'll give it today to heal and then its off to Canton tomorrow for church and teaching assignments. We're taking Elder Miller with us to Canton to visit our little branch. We love visiting with him and the drive will go by faster talking to him since the Glassett's aren't going this week with us.
May you all have a wonderful week. We think about family especially around holidays and when there is special events, like all the grandkids swimming in the pool. Miss being there but there will be many years to come full of time together. Keep up traditions and make some new ones along the way.
With all our love,
Rudi and Kathy
Elder and Sister
Mom and Dad
P.S. Can't wait to see you this summer!
Kansas City Temple. I forgot to include last week.
Peonies at the Sarah Granger Kimball home in Nauvoo.
More beautiful flowers, all peonies.
I'm in my element with so many flowers everywhere.
These peonies are different from Utah peonies.
At the King Homestead in Nauvoo. Bro. King is my partner on Wednesday nights when we are endowment coordinators. His wife is homebound and he serves one day a week at the temple. This is his retirement home, surrounded by gorgeous flowers and 20 acres of beautiful property.
Rudi and I touring his yard.
Can you believe the color of these iris?
More iris! I love flowers and these are spectacular!
Can't get enough of the beauty of his yard.
So much color and variety. I get my love of flowers from my mom.
One of my favorite colors!
Our next door neighbors, David and Brenda Lindholm, went with us to enjoy the flowers.
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