Nauvoo Temple

Nauvoo Temple
Nauvoo Temple

Monday, February 17, 2014

Driven out of Nauvoo

Kathy and I were driven out of Nauvoo yesterday. The pictures will prove it. The mob came and forced us to march out of the city Saturday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day with the temperature at 16 degrees with no wind. Cold is alright when the wind isn't blowing. We were forced to cross the frozen Mississippi and ended up in Montrose Iowa just as the saints in February 8, 1846. Luckily we were able to sneak back into Nauvoo to make it to the Temple by 11:00, in time for our assigned work time.

Ok, we weren't forced out, but had the opportunity to participate in a reenactment of the saints leaving the city in February 1846. It was a fun experience and a tender one also when we sang Come, Come, Ye Saints at the river edge. We tried to imagine what the people went through. On Parleys street toward the river there are many plaques with comments from people who crossed in 1846. Reading those gives you some idea as to what they were thinking and going thru.

Kathy made the Nauvoo Exodus Commemoration as Elizabeth Taylor 6 Dec 1812-17 May 1887 age 34 at the time of exodus. Married at 17 years, mother of 15. Beautiful, intelligent, loved music. Sounds like Kathy doesn't it.

Rudi acted for James Miller Jones 1 Jan 1817-31 Aug 1889. Given the gift of healing by Joseph Smith. Helped bury Joseph's false coffin to mislead the mobs. Left two homes and 80 acres of land, cattle and buildings. My kind of guy. I tried to find a German to represent but there weren't many here at that time if any.

February 7, 1846 last day the endowment was given in the Nauvoo Temple. Between December 10, 1845 and February 7, 1846, 5,595 Later-day Saints received their endowments in the temple. The temple was not completed so they must have been very busy working around the construction.

Brother and Sister Hullinger were representing their relatives George Washington Taggart and his wife. Ever heard that last name before?

After writing the email last week Rudi decided he wanted to get more involved in our emails. I appreciate his help and interest, he does a great job of writing.

The enactment was very exciting and not as cold as I thought it would be, thank goodness! I felt good enough to walk in the ice and snow, even in dress boots. We were so bundled up that I didn't get cold except my face. It really was a great experience and made me appreciate those early Saints even more. When the walk was over we all got to go home to warm cottages with dry clothes to put on. Those Saints just kept walking in the cold for days. We truly need to remember them and what they went through so we could have the gospel in our lives today.

This whole week has been filled with wonderful experiences. We got the new endowment film in the temple. I know most of you have seen it weeks ago, but the film had to be formatted just for the Nauvoo Temple because we go to four different rooms. I really loved it but I think I still like the other new film just a bit better. This week I saw it five times. We are showing the newest film only during the month of February. I was fortunate enough to follow three times and be a patron twice. On friday we had 59 patrons in one session. In the Nauvoo Temple the rooms only hold 48 people. They made special arrangements by adding folding chairs to accommodate all 59 people. Thirty-five of them were sisters. Guess who got to handle all the sister, yep your right, Me! I know you Salt Lake Temple workers think thats a small group, but the rooms are small here and we only have one follower, and one officiator. If that was not enough to deal with, I had one sister who needed to use the restroom about half way through, and another sister who forgot the name. I've never had to deal with either of those situation before either. I was really being tested. I think I did ok and felt grateful that so many people came to the temple. I think I'm ready for the summer with those kind of numbers. One of the sisters told me that was the record for sisters in one session. It was a wonderful day in the temple for me. I think I like being busier, I love serving others, it makes me so happy.

Before I close I probably need to update my never-ending health issues. I'm tired of thinking about it so I know you're tired of me mentioning it, but I kind of left you hanging a few weeks ago. This Tuesday I see a surgeon to decide when they are going to put a stent in my renal artery going into the kidney. The cardiologist felt that if the blockage in the artery was removed my blood pressure would come down and hopefully stabilize. They will ballon the artery and then put in a mesh stent to keep the artery open letting the blood flow into the kidney. I don't have any details about when they'll be operating but I know it will be at the Blessing Hospital in Quincey Illinois. I just want it over and be able to heal and get back to what I've been called to do, temple work. So far I've only missed two days because of this high blood pressure mess. I honestly feel better when I'm at the temple than anywhere else. The Lord is still and always in control.

This week has been full of wonderful new challenges and experiences for both of us. We feel your love and prayers for us and know we are are so fortunate to be able to spend this short 18 months in the City of Joseph.

Love you all

Rudi and Kathy

 Our Beautiful Temple yesterday morning.

 Can't get enough of our beautiful Temple. This where the pageant is.

 Rudi and Kathy struggling down Parleys street. We do look like we're suffering, right?

 There were a lot of Germans in that company. Well, we can pretend?

 Kathy with two tiny buddies, Judy Moller and Brenda Lindholm.

 Kathy trying to catch a ride but they won't let her on. No room for deadbeats. Part of the Nauvoo leagon to protect us with their rifles made of electrical conduit on the right side.

 Mary Anderson, Kathy, Gayle Gorrell, Marian Henderson.

 President and Sister Hullinger and President and Sister McAuthor.

 Kathy trying to stay warm. See the horses Jensen.

 Rudi Crossing the river. Don't have to worry if the ice is thick enough, it has to be 10 feet of ice as cold as it has been.

 Breakfast before the march. Todd's Diederich's and Willis's

Those that never made the trek west.

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