We left Nauvoo on March 27th, Friday, and arrived home in Orem on March 31s, after spending a few days in Gillette, Wyoming with our daughter Tami, and her family. What a wonderful experience to see them after 18 long months. The kids had really grown up. They have a beautiful apartment in a really nice area of Gillette.
We pulled into Orem around 5:00 p.m. after Rudi had to stop and wash the car before we could go to our place. I about died with anticipation to see the rest of the family. We were greeted with banners, balloons, posters and tons of hugs and kisses from all seventeen of our family. Lots of tears of joy to see our dear family.
The next week was spent in St. George with all of them during spring break catching up on all we've missed while gone. So much fun and noise. We aren't use to the confusion that all the grandkids can make, but it sounded wonderful to us. We enjoyed swimming, hiking, playing games, putting puzzles together and just visiting.
Our homecoming was on April 26th. After many hours of yard work and putting the house together, planning the food for a lot of people and preparing our talks we were tired and ready for some relaxation. But we haven't stopped long enough to rest,YET!
We're trying to go to the temple every week. So far we've been to the Ogden, St.George, Mount Timpanogoes, three times and the Provo Temples. We are amazed at how crowded they are compared to the Nauvoo Temple. What a wonderful problem!
We really are enjoying family and friends here at home but miss our beloved Nauvoo and dear missionary friends there. Part of our hearts will always remain in Nauvoo. We look forward to going back to visit, hopefully very soon!
We want our children and grandchildren to know how much we appreciate their support and love of us while we were gone. They watched over our homes and yard with tender loving care. It all looked so great when we arrived. We couldn't ask for better kids with wonderful and adorable grandchildren. We hope and pray that our example of serving a mission will encourage them to want to serve. The blessings that come from service is hard to explain, but we know we were watched over and protected while we were gone. Both Rudi and I received medical miracles while in Nauvoo. We will remain grateful for our blessings of health and strength. We also know that our family was protected while we were gone. There was never a day that all of their names were not put on the prayer rolls of the temple. I have a strong testimony of the faith and prayers of all who attend the temple in blessing my family. I continue to put their names on the prayer rolls of the temples that I attend. Hopefully all my family will live up to that special blessing.
Well, dear family and friends it's been a joy to share our mission with you. I hope in the near future all these emails will be compiled into a book that my family will treasure as much as we will. Thanks to Tiffini, our daughter for her endless hours of effort to make sure this book is compiled.
Our love and appreciation to you all for your continued support of us. We will remain forever, "The Nauvoo Missionaries".
Rudi and Kathy Diederich
Rudi and I after our homecoming talks. So great to meet and greet our family and friends at our home.
Some of our special people enjoying the food and fun. Thanks Jacqueline and Aunt Arlene for coming so far to our homecoming. Aunt Arlene it's all your fault my make-up was smeared! You are such a special aunt to me and I love you dearly.
More food pictures! What's a party without food.
So many people crowded into our kitchen and dining room. Too bad the weather didn't cooperate so we could be out around the pool. So good to see the Moller's from Idaho.
Mark and Myrt Gehring came over to visit. Thanks for your continued support on our mission. What a great picture of a beautiful couple!
Aunt Shirley even came from Bountiful to our meeting and over to the house. So good to see her and Aunt Arlene and Uncle Don. They made me cry when I saw them at the church, I had no idea they were coming.
Steve Halladay and Margarete Diamond. Special family members who came to support us.
My brother Ron and his wife Cindy and their daughter Tienna and her newest adorable kids along with Kristin who loves all children.

Ethan our grandson and two of Paul and Linda Bingham's grandsons.
Our diva granddaughters Ainsley and Addie. Too cute and so grown up now.
Four of our five granddaughters. Addie, Ellie, Ainsley, and Tieler. Too bad Callie couldn't be here with her family. They live in Gillette, Wyoming. Too far to come. They were missed!
Our future missionary grandsons. From left to right: Carson, Caden, Ethan, Joshua, Logan and Jensen. Missing one grandson, Brody who lives in Gillette.
More mingling and munching. I think everyone got plenty to eat, I hope!
Happy grandma with two of her daughters and one granddaughter. Love them so much! Addie, Tiffini, mom, and Traci.
What a good looking son I have! Kristin you will always be my favorite daughter-in-law. Troy, thanks for marrying such a wonderful woman.
Ellie and Traci, what would we do without you! They make a great team! So beautiful and always helping me stay on the right track.
Grandpa and Grandma with Miss Sunshine, Ellie. Thanks for all the cheer you brought us on our mission.
Great friends, Ken and Donna Biberston. They may live in Boise, Idaho now, but still will remain forever friends.
My favorite sister, Rosey , and her husband Steve. Thank you for always being there to be my mom and confidant. What would life be like without a wonderful sister like you?
Tieler, our oldest grandchild found a place to curl up and crash after a day of festivities. What a cutie, even when she's asleep.
Jeff, our son-in-law finding a place to crash after chasing his three kids all day. What a great sport he is, and so much fun!
Ammon and Tienna at the homecoming. So appreciate them coming to support us.
Elfriede, and Laura catching up on the latest news. Two special ladies who mean a lot to us. Thanks for all your love and support of us.